Tuesday, September 13, 2011

high blood Pressure and it’s bad effect on human body

High blood pressure is on of the serious medical condition of the world. It can lead to heart disease, heart attacks, stroke, kidney failure and many others health problems. High blood pressure’s Symptoms is not looking outside of the body but it is very harmful effect of the human health. So we should check our blood pressure regularly. When our blood pressure 120/80  or less it is normal but when it increase 140/90 or more it called prehypertension. Near about 1 in 3 adult person of US has high blood Pressure. Knowing of blood pressure number is very important, although you are feeling very fine. If our blood pressure is so high, proper treatment will help to prevent damage to our body’s organs.  If we can healthy life and free from heart disease, heart attack, stoke, kidney failure and others big health problems, we should keep our high blood pressure is under control. It can helps us healthy and happy life.   

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